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Piedmontese have an interesting history that began in the secluded Piedmont region of northwest Italy, an area naturally protected by the Alps mountain range.  The first Piedmontese animals exported to North America arrived in Saskatchewan, Canada in the fall of 1979.  These imported animals serve as the original genetic base for the Piedmontese breed in North America.




imageThe Piedmontese Association of the United States (PAUS) is a 501c(5) non-profit organization that was founded in 1984 and incorporated in 1987. The primary purpose of PAUS is to register cattle, promote the breed, and provide help and support to our members. PAUS is dedicated to serving the needs of Piedmontese breeders and our members nationwide. The organization is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors, who are elected by the members they represent. Membership in the association and participation in the election process is fundamental to our organization and essential to our continued progress and success. Each active member has an equal vote in every election and all members have a chance to serve on the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors continually strive to make decisions based on the benefits to the whole of the association and the Piedmontese breed. To learn more about becoming a member of PAUS, or if you would like more information about the association or this wonderful breed, please click on the other tabs, or contact the PAUS office. Membership info


Consumers select Piedmontese beef for it's nutritional benefits including lower fat and cholesterol while enjoying a product that is tender and flavorful.



1057 County Road 1300
Dorchester, NE 68343

Phone: 816-284-5258